• ashvardanian 2 hours ago

    The gist:

    > they’re shipping half-baked software just to hit some arbitrary deadlines.

    Control Centre aside, Apple is my favorite example in founder-led vs manager-led company comparisons. The same company totally changed in less than 10 years. Profits multiplied. But practically everything that made Apple craftsmanship iconic is gone. Feels like their current domination is the echo of their older investment in software-hardware co-design and recent supply chain dominance, but not real innovation.

    • danirod 42 minutes ago

      Funny thing is that the arbitrary deadline maybe was real 5 years ago, but nowadays is a lie.

      Every major macOS and iOS version in the last couple of years has had a feature that is "coming later this year". For this cycle it's Apple Intelligence, last year it was the Journal app, and the year before there also were a bunch of things that were delayed.

      Why not just wait until they finish those features and use the extra time to actually test the OS? (Rhetorical question, the answer is probably 'investors').

      • dclowd9901 2 hours ago

        Aren’t they dominating cpu architectures as well? Is there a better mobile cpu being made today?

        • DidYaWipe an hour ago

          How about some examples?

          • lelandbatey an hour ago

            We are literally in a thread discussing the latest example in the form of control panel. Do you require an enumerated list before you shall permit us to continue?

            • DidYaWipe an hour ago

              I'm talking about YOUR COMMENT. You neglected to support your assertions.

        • pixelesque 3 hours ago

          It's pretty bad, but at least you can now remove that annoying torch/light icon on the lockscreen, which I (and quite a few other people I notice) always seem to be triggering, and then pulling my phone out of my pocket with the light on...

          I still wish they'd allow disabling the ability to scrub playing music/podcast timeline on the locked lockscreen as well, as I seem to regularly seek to random positions in whatever's playing with my phone in my pockets and when trying to grasp my phone to get it out (in coats with larger pockets), meaning I often miss bits of podcasts or have to repeat them as the position randomly skips.

          Especially with Face unlock, I don't really see why you'd want to scrub/seek playing music without unlocking, but maybe someone does, but at least adding an option to control that would be nice...

          • snug 3 hours ago

            I change the setting for the torch to only turn on with a long press, never turn it on by accident anymore

          • weinzierl 2 hours ago

            While we are at it: Can someone explain to me, why I can lock my screen in the vertical position but not horizontally.

            Press the rotation lock in Control Center and it locks the current state would be a natural thing. But that is not how it works on iOS. Rotation lock rotates the screen back to vertical and locks it there. Is this the same on Android?

            Also: The icon is a lock enclosed in a clockwise arrowed ~ 350° circle. That shouts rotation lock to me. If it has to be vertical lock, at least indicate that in the icon.

            • larouxn 2 hours ago

              It is not the same on Android, at least not on Pixel devices. If you turn off auto-rotation, your screen will stay locked in whatever orientation (vertical or horizontal) you did so in.

              One can also still rotate their screen by tapping a little rotate icon that appears while rotating while auto-rotation is turned off.

              • kkylin 2 hours ago

                Not only that, but the rotation lock on iPads do the right thing!

                • mixmastamyk 2 hours ago

                  Used to work that way. But then someone got a bright idea. They could “simplify” it by only allowing the majority use case. If you sometimes liked it locked in horizontal position, well fuck you.

                  Same thing with the wifi button—it no longer turns off the wifi. Used to! The only thing I used it for. Have to push airplane instead.

                  • weinzierl 44 minutes ago

                    I think watching horizontal video should be a pretty major use case, but then again; it is only an issue in the browser, because apps like Netflix seem to handle the horizontal lock themselves.

                    Another thing that is messed up with horizontal video in Safari is stereo audio. This should also depend on the orientation of the phone, and in the apps I think it does, but in Safari only sometimes.

                    I guess I should just use the apps, or maybe in the age of TikTok horizontal video is dying anyway?

                • wendythehacker 2 hours ago

                  Interestingly, I had the exact same reaction when trying to figure out how to enable/disable WiFi. Why Apple, why? I wonder what telemetry tells them about this icon - wouldn't it be one of the most used ones? Or is there maybe an incentive for Apple to make sure users have WiFi on that I don't understand.

                  • sumuyuda 2 hours ago

                    I think the reason is Apple wants to make it hard to turn off Wifi, so your device is part of their Find My network and will support other Wifi based data collection they do.

                    The buttons doesn’t actually turn off Wifi or Bluetooth, they disconnect from the current network/device. This is a huge dark pattern.

                    • walterbell 2 hours ago

                      When WiFi is enabled, iPhones usually broadcast a list of previously connected SSIDs, which can be used in fingerprinting. Fortunately, shortcuts can disable (not just disconnect) WiFi.

                      > I wonder what telemetry tells them about this icon

                      Do workaround articles count as telemetry? https://allthings.how/how-to-get-wi-fi-cellular-and-bluetoot... & https://old.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/1fidfm0/ios_18_psa_you...

                      • bbor 2 hours ago

                        Oo this is fun: guessing what the meeting was like where this decision was made. Off the top of my head, there are a few possibilities:

                        1. Engineers like to unify + encapsulate things where possible for its own sake, and the UX people were looped in too late.

                        2. There was pressure from above to make things “feel different” to stave off the accusations of “the end of an era of innovation” that get louder every iPhone/iOS release, and this stacking functionality is one of the strategies the team developed early on. No amount of negative metrics can put a hole in an Organizational Priority!

                        3. Despite their successful efforts to minimize intimidation-layoffs, they did end up laying off ~1000 engineers. It’s possible that the engineers were/are checked out due to a feeling of betrayal, and that the times are changing.

                        4. Most likely by far: a combination of all the above!

                        I really think it has to be some organizational mistake. No way that got past a good UX person who had the power of veto.

                      • pazimzadeh 3 hours ago

                        The icons sizes all shrank significantly with no option to increase the size. Combined with a ton of space on either side of the icons, now they are icons are tiny, especially on an iPhone mini.

                        Also, no one expects a + icon to mean "organize". Sometimes the + icon is not even tappable due to other random stuff that gets jammed up there, like And the new power button doesn't do anything when you tap it, only when you hold it. No feedback at all.

                        That said, I do appreciate the ability to move the icons anywhere (to put important ones closer to the bottom). Now, can we add the ability to add some of these to the lock screen without using 3rd party apps?

                        • pazimzadeh 3 minutes ago

                          Oh and why can't we use multi-touch to drag multiple icons at the same time using different fingers? Or to hold one down so it doesn't go flying while dragging another one around.

                          • treetalker 2 hours ago

                            You actually can change which ones appear on the Lock Screen! Start editing your wallpaper directly from the Lock Screen and you’ll be able to edit them. I changed the flashlight to the calculator.

                            • pazimzadeh 2 hours ago

                              Only a small number that can be added to the lock screen. I meant to the widget area anyway, not to the bottom corners. Would be nice if more than one row of widgets were allowed too

                          • Toutouxc 2 hours ago

                            The new Control Center reminds me of the one my Xiaomi had in 2019, which was a weird cheap copy of the latest iOS design at the time.

                            But the main thing that I personally dislike is the whole customization aspect. The control center always felt to me like a under the hood kinda overlay that you just pulled over your personal phone for a moment. Like it didn’t belong to the OS, but to the device itself. Like the bottom bar that you use for switching apps, or like the volume and sleep buttons, or like the Settings app, or like the menu bar in macOS. It was always there, always the same, no matter what app you were in or whose phone it was. I liked that.

                            • anArbitraryOne 13 minutes ago

                              If you want control of something, why would you use an apple product?

                              • luismedel 2 hours ago

                                Didn't read the full article but I feel I don't need to.

                                I updated yesterday and I really hate the new design. I'm not using a term for "dislike" I profoundly HATE this change.

                                Tiny icons, difficult to move/size items, excessive blank space around them...also the UX for repositioning elements has some bug that makes a widget dissapear for a moment and jump from "nowhere" to the desired position (if you manage to place it at first try, of course)

                                Maybe it's a strategy to make users of the SE line jump to a bigger screen? :-|

                                • danirod an hour ago

                                  Similar thoughts after upgrading to iOS 18. The new control center is a mess, the way to discover which widgets are available to add is painful, and I don't understand why there is no button for Wi-Fi.

                                  On the bright side, being able to remove the 'screen mirroring' button is nice, and I can make the music control widget extra-large by default.

                                  • jer0me 2 hours ago

                                    Another example of the janky configuration UI: https://twitter.com/jeromepaulos/status/1835915486757884413

                                    • throwaway290 2 hours ago

                                      The value of iphones used to be that they are more constrained but more polished than the droids.

                                      With unnecessary UI fluff, no attention to detail, OpenAI integration, side loading and other stuff I am really not liking where Apple is headed. It starts to feel like design by committee and all users and regulators are in that committee.

                                      Where's vision and backbone?

                                    • alphabettsy 3 hours ago

                                      I like it. Needs further improvement, but it’s better than what existed.

                                      • ototot 2 hours ago

                                        Is this a post posted by me? I have basically the same thought on the new control center. The new UI and edit flow truly disappoint me a lot.

                                        The connection group is also a terrible idea. Why don't apple just let you do grouping yourself and make every button in it to be available.

                                        • theden 2 hours ago

                                          I actually liked it, a bit fiddly, but being able to reorder and resize as well as have multiple screens is better IMO. Not perfect, but I think my control centre is better than before

                                          • drewcon 3 hours ago

                                            I literally went through this exact thought process with new control center today. Absolute nightmare.

                                            • xixixao 2 hours ago

                                              Hilariously I have a totally empty circle in my control center. Maybe it was accessibility / contrast dimming before? It’s just broken now :)

                                              • strongpigeon 3 hours ago

                                                I get that they changed the “1x1” controls to be circles so that they’re the same as on the Lock Screen. But still, the control center does look kind of bad because of it…

                                                • jonwinstanley 2 hours ago

                                                  I like so much of iOS 18 but yes, control centre has a load of issues when you analyse it.

                                                  I’ve removed stuff until it’s all on 1 page which makes it quite a bit simpler

                                                  • orimirs 2 hours ago

                                                    Another fun thing I've noticed is that the volume and brightness bars now have a lot of input latency

                                                    • weinzierl 2 hours ago

                                                      "Who needs quick access to the print centre on an iPhone"

                                                      People with children at schools whose workflow is still completely paper based.

                                                      • gherkinnn 2 hours ago

                                                        Overall it is an improvement over the old and the quirks are adapted to in a few minutes.

                                                        • weinzierl an hour ago

                                                          "The only way to control wifi is to include your stupid connectivity group [..]"

                                                          Not to defend Apple too much, but I think the reason is that the toggles in the control group are interdependent. It would be very confusing if you toggle a button and it causes other toggle buttons to switch state that are either far away on the screen or worse - not visible at all.

                                                          Take airplane mode for example. The way it works on iOS[1] is that the act of turning it on toggles the other icons in the group off - once in that moment.

                                                          It does not prevent you from switching back on WiFi or Bluetooth. So you can end up with WiFi enabled despite being in airplane mode. To complicate matters, this is not true for mobile data.

                                                          A cleaner and more intuitive design in my opinion would have been if the toggles were all independent, with airplane mode overruling all. Of course this would prevent WiFi in airplane mode, which might be a desirable use case, and worse: make people avoid airplane mode when they are mandated to use it.

                                                          [1] I am curious how Android solved this. If anyone knows, I'd like to know.

                                                          • dmonitor an hour ago

                                                            bluetooth is in that group but also has its own button

                                                            • weinzierl an hour ago

                                                              Good catch! I think it didn't in iOS 17. Even more confusion.

                                                          • zombiwoof 2 hours ago

                                                            Apple engineers now build features in order to get promoted, not to build great software

                                                            • DidYaWipe an hour ago

                                                              Not to mention that I'm sure Apple didn't address the insulting behavior of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth controls.

                                                              When I turn those off, I damn well mean it. I don't mean turn them back on behind my back later. But that's what Apple does.

                                                              But hey, if they want this half-assed temporary disabling, they still could have made smart decisions for users who want these states to be permanent. Here's the easy solution: If the user has gone into Settings and turned Wi-Fi and Bluetooth OFF, then treat the Control Center incarnations as PERMANENT.

                                                              But nope, the UI mavens at Apple couldn't figure that out. So they made the Control Center states a fraud to serve... whom, exactly? Who was upset that they turned stuff off and it stayed off?

                                                              • Tronno 2 hours ago

                                                                I wish more people had the ability to daily-drive an iOS device and an Android, to more clearly see the positives and negatives of both.

                                                                Having long ago switched to iOS as my primary, I am continually infuriated by some of the awful UX decisions made on that platform - the control center, yes, but also the app library drawer, the settings screen, the clock app, the list goes on. I could write a rant like OP for each one.

                                                                Android has its own ways of driving me insane, but it's clear that Apple's UX has been slipping for a long time.

                                                                • ytywrtbrbertb 2 hours ago

                                                                  I had the exact same experience on my ipad. I wish I had bought an android tablet instead, using apple's software is dreadful. I won't fall for it again.

                                                                  • weinzierl 2 hours ago

                                                                    "By swiping Up/Down. Since its inception, you swipe left/right to navigate across screens on an iPhone."

                                                                    Left/Right is generation Tinder, Up/Down generation TikTok, very easy.

                                                                    Instead of night mode I want a generation switch. Oh, wait the phone knows my age, it could do that automatically. Apple, adapt to my needs!

                                                                    • can16358p 3 hours ago

                                                                      While I agree with the points, I think the new Control Center is a step in the right direction: opening way to more customization "in the Apple way": opening things little by little by keeping general UX consistent.

                                                                      Is it buggy? Yeah, I've encountered the same bugs as the OP, and yes I wish setting Wi-Fi was a step less, though I think the upsides to the new design are more than the downsides (which can be sorted out by time).

                                                                      I liked it.

                                                                      • infotainment 5 hours ago

                                                                        > Let me add a simple icon to toggle control wifi (...) There’s a single toggle for mobile data, a single toggle for Bluetooth, a single toggle for airplane mode, and a single toggle for personal hotspot. No wifi. Why? Why Apple? You added a fucking single toggle for Print Centre.

                                                                        This is, in my view, the single most baffling omission in the new control center. It's fully customizable now, but doesn't have an individual toggle for Wifi???

                                                                        This also leaves off the other terrible decision: the way icons reorder themselves randomly when you reposition things. Want to swap the positions of the brightness and volume controls? Prepare for literally everything to become shuffled for seemingly no reason].

                                                                        • walterbell 5 hours ago

                                                                          > doesn't have an individual toggle for Wifi???

                                                                          Workaround via a Shortcut control?


                                                                          • lencastre 2 hours ago

                                                                            I have two separate shortcuts to toggle between mobile and wlan data, because it’s insane to have to click in 7 different menus, scroll kilometers of of options, and finally click-hold-lick-drag until Wi-Fi is permanently banished to the nether realm.

                                                                            • walterbell 2 hours ago

                                                                              VPN auto-connect per SSID is also useful.

                                                                          • happyopossum 3 hours ago

                                                                            If you expand the connectivity panel out to cover a full screen it has an individual WiFi block, which even has a dropdown to select a WiFi network

                                                                            • weiliddat 3 hours ago

                                                                              I’ve been trying, for the past two days, to make it so that the layout in landscape mode doesn’t look like shit.

                                                                              The only way to do that is to make the portrait layout look like shit.

                                                                              Seems totally arbitrary how they line up the items in landscape mode.

                                                                              • strongpigeon 3 hours ago

                                                                                You’re not kidding. I can’t seem to figure out the logic for why the landscape version of mine looks like it does.

                                                                            • AmVess 3 hours ago

                                                                              We are at the point in time when you could fire every UI designer on the planet and would be doing humanity a favor. They all have the approach that change for the sake of change is a good thing. It isn't.

                                                                              • matricaria 2 hours ago

                                                                                I honestly think the person that is to blame here is you. Yes, there might be some weird decisions here, but if you get so mad about those minor changes, you should make at least some research before updating.

                                                                                • wongogue 2 hours ago

                                                                                  Updating is not a choice. The most you can hold off is 1 year. If your phone is eligible for the next iOS, you don’t get security updates. Many apps I use already require 17.0 as of today.

                                                                                  • dclowd9901 2 hours ago

                                                                                    Would it be a viable alternative to never update? Asking genuinely.

                                                                                    • bbor 2 hours ago

                                                                                      Meh — I see where you’re coming from, but this post is about Apple violating design principles, not a pity post about this particular person. We’re all to blame for everything in our lives on some very basic level, but it’s no excuse for the negligence of others.

                                                                                    • eviks 3 hours ago

                                                                                      > thought you were a true friend and true friends don’t let iOS turn to shit.

                                                                                      In what rosy-tinted world was it ever not when viewed with such a high level of expectations? Remember, this is the OS that had stellar copy&paste support from day 1!