Related: The Engineer Guy’s “The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can” on YouTube
Damn you beat me by a hair
Whenever it’s about cans I can only recommend this video from the engineer guy [1]. He makes no videos anymore sadly.
I can highly recommend his books, however.
I also think Technologie Connections filled his spot great. He started with sound and video topics but switched to household technologies.
xkcd "Work":
"Sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking about the amount of work that went into the ordinary objects around me."
A former co-worker I knew said a technique he would use on a date that was going slow to try and make himself look smart and the date curious was to examine the design decisions of objects around them. The table, the paint used to make a painting, the shampoo that makes the dates hair smell so good, etc. Add in some history of the object and discuss until an interesting bit was found that could move the conversation else where. Seemed like it could work but I never needed to try it.
I've never had a date going slow that also included me being able to smell her hair.
Old Reddit vibes